Acupuncture is an alternative choice for treatment of circulatory disorders and circulation abnormalities such as high blood pressure, hypertension and poor circulation.

- Circulation Abnormalities
- Claudication or limping
- High Blood Pressure/Hypertension
- Raynaud’s Disease or numbness
Acupuncture has been used to increase circulation for centuries. The techniques inherent in the practice of acupuncture stimulate sympathetic responses causing blood vessel dilatation and increased blood flow.
This is most notable in the periphery where increased blood flow can be seen. It also occurs internally to maximise nutrient transport and waste removal in the internal organs.
Acupuncture For Claudication
Older people tend to suffer from Claudication. Due to poor circulation the muscles of the lower extremity, particularly the calf muscles, cramp due to lack of blood flow and therefore oxygen to the tissues as well as a build up of lactic acid which is produced secondary to normal use. Acupuncture increases the blood flow for removal of the lactic acid and a restoration of oxygen to the tissues.
Acupuncture For High Blood Pressure or Hypertension
Another application of acupuncture is in the treatment of hypertension. By decreasing both muscular stresses and vascular tone the body has the ability to decrease both systolic and diastolic pressures. Acupuncture is effective in the long term as it has an ability to physically retrain the body to remain at a lower blood pressure.
Acupuncture For Raynaud’s Disease
A sift in the nervous system initiates this disorder as a response to cold weather in the hands. The hands vascular system constricts causing the fingers to blanch and turn purple and red. It is a common occurrence among people with poorer circulation and may have underlying vascular disease as its origin. Acupuncture is effective in the treatment of this disorder by increasing circulation and decreasing the reactive responses that generate the disorders.