Acupuncture the safe drug free treatment for pregnant women
Acupuncture for a Healthy and Happy Pregnancy
Acupuncture can be used effectively and safely, for many pregnancy related issues. It is used widely in certain countries across Europe, such as Germany, Switzerland, Denmark and Germany. It provides an alternative to taking medication during Pregnancy, and offers relief for many of the conditions, common during Pregnancy.
Below is a list of the conditions which can be treated with Acupuncture during Pregnancy :
- Nausea and Vomiting
- Heartburn
- Constipation
- Varicose Veins
- Haemorrhoids
- Urinary Tract Infections
- Musculoskeletal Conditions eg. Hip Pain, Symphysis Pubis Pain, Low Back Pain, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
- Fatigue and Exhaustion.
- Insomnia
- Anxiety and Depression in Pregnancy
- Itching in Pregnancy
- Pregnancy-Induced Hypertension
- Oedema
- Breech and Posterior Positions
- Birth Preparation
- Induction for overdue babies
- Postnatal Treatment
Pre-Birth Acupuncture
Pre-Birth Acupuncture consists of a weekly Acupuncture session from 36-37 weeks until the time of birth. These treatments are very beneficial as they prepare the woman’s body for birth and so facilitate a smoother and more harmonious birthing experience. Acupuncture works by balancing the hormones, soothing the sympathetic nervous system, and increasing blood flow to the reproductive organs. These actions help to ripen the cervix, calm the mind, and increase energy, thus preparing the body and mind for a smoother labour and birth.
“I attended Christina for 4 sessions of pre-birth Acupuncture as my previous 2 labours were medically induced and I wanted to prevent this from happening again. Thankfully baby arrived naturally , with no medical induction! I definently believe the acupuncture helped with both starting labour myself and a much easier labour. ”
Theresa, North Kerry.
The following results are shown from studies using Pre-Birth Acupuncture :
- shorter duration of labour
- 35% reduction in medical induction
- 32% lower caesarean rates
- 31% reduction in requests for epidurals (Research)
Pre-Birth Acupuncture is also an ideal way to treat any other pregnancy conditions you may be experiencing such as heartburn or back pain.
Most women find Pre-Birth Acupuncture very relaxing and so is an excellent way to take time out for yourself, before the birth of your little one.
If you have any questions regarding Pre-Birth Acupuncture, please phone me on (086) 8619246.