Kerry Acupuncture Fertility
Acupuncture has become an essential tool, for many couples who are having difficulty in conceiving. This is due to the success rates of using Acupuncture in increasing Fertility. Acupuncture is used in a variety of ways : by couples who wish to try to conceive naturally with natural medicine, by couples who are undergoing IVF, by couples where IVF has failed, by couples who are not yet suitable for IVF or by couples who have had miscarriages.
Acupuncture has been used to assist in fertility in China for the past 3000 years. Research shows that Acupuncture has the following Benefits (Weill Cornel Centre, New York) :
- Increasing blood flow to the uterus and ovaries
- Regulating the hormones to produce a larger number of follicles
- Improving the quality and thickness of the uterine lining
- Reducing stress
- Strengthening the Immune System
- Decreasing chance for miscarriage
- Improving hormone levels including FSH, prolactin, estrogen and progesterone
- Regulating the menstrual cycle
Specific gynecological conditions related to infertility that acupuncture can treat:
- Hormonal imbalance, (elevated FSH levels, high prolactin levels, etc.)
- Low ovarian reserve
- Poor egg quality
- Ovulation problems
- Irregular menstrual cycles
- Fallopian tube blockage
- Ovarian cysts and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
- Endometriosis and Fibroids
- Thin endometrium lining
- Short luteal phase
- Recurrent miscarriage
- Poor sperm count, quality, morphology & motility
In Acupuncture terms , there are several different patterns in the body that can cause Fertility Problems. With Acupuncture treatment your particular pattern is identified and treated accordingly, by creating your own individual treatment plan.
One such Pattern is ‘Kidney Yang Deficiency’. If you have several of the following symptoms , then this could possibly be your pattern disorder, or one of them : soreness or cold in the knees and/or lower back, aversion to cold, cold limbs, low energy, urination problems, low libido.
Another possible pattern is ‘Liver Qi Stagnation’. The primary cause of this pattern is emotional stress. Symptoms include : Painful periods, Irregular Periods, Depression, Irritability before Periods, Many clots in period.
There are 7 main patterns of disharmony in relation to Fertility. It is possible that you may have more than one pattern of Disharmony. Acupuncture Point Selection and Treatment plan will be based upon your Pattern following a Full Consultation and Diagnosis.
Your diet is an important focus point when trying to conceive a baby. It is important to get your body as healthy as possible in order to create a healthy environment for your baby to grow in. How healthy your body is when you conceive will also impact the future health of your baby.
General Dietary Guidelines
- Eat plenty of fresh organic Fruit and Vegetables.
- Eat plenty of Beans, especially Kidney and Black Beans.
- Eat plenty of Grains, such as Millet, Buckwheat, Brown Rice.
- Reduce or Avoid Sugar, Processed Foods, Caffeine, Alcohol.
- Reduce Dairy and Meat.
- Warm Vegetables Soups and Stews are excellent as they are very nutritious and warming for the body.
- Eating in this way may be challenging at first, but soon you will feel much better emotionally and physically and you will also have much more energy.
Dietary Advice will be provided to you based on your specific imbalance also.
It is also important to have regular gently exercise, such as yoga, swimming or walking. This will help to ensure all the energy and blood in your body is circulating much more freely and smoothly.
Incorporating a Relaxation Schedule into your Daily Routine is also highly recommended. A guided Meditation is an excellent way to start the day, and will help you to navigate the day in a less stressful and more peaceful way.
It is important to be gentle with yourself when trying to conceive. Try to allow yourself to feel whatever emotions arise on your journey, difficult as they may be. It is very helpful to have someone whom you can freely express all your concerns and emotions with, such as your partner , a close friend or a counsellor.
If you have any Questions or would like to Book a Consultation, please phone me on (086) 8619246.